Quality & Safety
For the tourism industry to be sustainable – environmentally, socially and economically, we must ensure tourism businesses are financially successful in the longer term, protect and enhance the environment on which tourism businesses depend, maintain and enhance support from local communities and ensure our customers have outstanding experiences with all their tourism activities.
Qualmark – an assessment of quality, safety and sustainability
Qualmark is New Zealand tourism’s official quality assurance organisation, providing a trusted guide to quality travel experiences. Qualmark makes it easy for travellers to select high-quality places to stay, things to do, and ways to get around.
When you see a business displaying the Qualmark symbol you can be assured that the business has met stringent quality standards and environmental criteria – earning New Zealand tourism’s official quality mark.
Our Commitment to Safety
We are committed to ensuring the safety of Waimangu Volcanic Valley, looking after our staff and our visitors.
- We use People Safe cloud based software to help us shift our health and safety focus from compliance to actually keeping people safe.
- We are members of EMA to ensure quality in employment relations
- We are certified by Maritime New Zealand to ensure safe
Supporting Scientific Research
To ensure the quality and safety of our experiences, we work closely with Crown Research Institutes GNS Science and NIWA. They research and monitor the geothermal and volcanic activity throughout the Waimangu volcanic valley and surrounding area.
GNS Science is New Zealand’s leading provider of Earth, geoscience and isotope research and consultancy services.
NIWA conducts leading environmental science for sustainable management of natural resources for NZ.
- niwa.co.nz
- www.gns.cri.nz
Working with the Tourism Industry
- Qualmark New Zealand
- Tourism Industry Aotearoa
- Tourism Export Council of New Zealand
- Tourism New Zealand
- Destination Rotorua – Rotorua Economic Development
- Rotorua Lakes Council
- Rotorua Chamber of Commerce
Waimangu and the Community
As part of our commitment to social sustainability, we regularly support local and regional community groups, charities and events. While we receive many requests for such support, and we cannot help them all, we select causes and events that fit with our mission, vision and values.
If you’d like to get in touch about a charitable or community cause or event, please contact us.